Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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Vacation Bible School

7/29/2013 – 8/2/2013
9:00AM – 12:00PM

Parish House

Don’t forget VBS is going to be held July 29 through August 2, from 9 am to 12 noon. We are gearing up for a wonderful week where we will Stand Strong for God with our Kingdom Rock theme! VBS is a week where children participate in
many activities like crafts, games, snacks, movie time, and of course Bible studies. This is open to all children from rising pre-schoolers to children preparing to enter 6th grade. Older children are encouraged to help out by volunteering as much
as they can! 

Once again this year, we are participating in the Operation Kid to Kid program which ties in with our VBS materials. We will be sending GOD’S LOVE FOR YOU booklets to children in India who are at risk for being trafficked, maimed, or otherwise
abused. Our children will be learning about the geography of where India is in relation to us, how they live everyday, and what we can do to help them learn about God’s love. In addition to funding the booklets, half of the proceeds raised during
the week will be going to Matthew’s Haven to purchase supplies for their Back to School Fair.

~ Stacey Wood, VBS Director