Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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Parish Life


The mission of the Parish Life Ministry is to encourage participation through fellowship of all parishioners, new and old, in parish events throughout the year.







Hospitality/Fellowship Committee - This group of men and women are dedicated to      planning and staffing our times of fellowship and celebration. Organizing coffee hours, lemonade Sundays. Maintains kitchen inventory and supplies. Publicity and food planning for special events such as Wedding Reenactment, Garden Tour, Progressive Dinner, Harvest Feast, Sweetheart Banquet, Stewardship and Annual meeting luncheons and others.






  Resource  - Manages Martha's Gift Shop and maintains inventory of all gift shops items. Arranges individuals to assist with tour groups and holiday sales.







EYC  (Episcopal Youth Community) - This ministry exists to invite young people into a relationship with not only one another but with God and to help them grow and live in those relationships. The youth from 6th grade through High School meet for fellowship and fun and the worship and work of Jesus Christ. This group meets each month September through June and a summer mission trip annually.



Y.A.P’s – Young Adult Parishioners -  The purpose of the group is to foster new relationships with the younger adult parishioners by meeting quarterly. The couples host this event quarterly by offering hors d'oeuvers at their home followed by dinner at a restaurant of their choice or a potluck supper.




Oyster Roast - This group takes on the task of organizing, publicizing, and obtaining sponsorships, set-up and break down of St. Peter’s community event. The Roast is held in October of every other year near Whitehouse Landing and serves as a major fellowship event. Meetings are held beginning in August for pre-planning through October.





Fall Hayride and Cookout - This event is held every other October at church. Children and their families participate in games, hayrides and even a game of touch football or kickball.

Newcomers - Welcome newcomers with Sunday Greeters. Organize an annual Newcomers’ Reception, including the Rector, Vestry Members, and Committee Chairs. Also assist with personal invitations (via telephone) to any special event by organizing a call list of Newcomers. Responsible for photographing with church digital camera and making a poster of newcomers to place on the bulletin board so church members can put together faces and names of newcomers.  Newcomers receive hand delivered welcome baskets from the committee.



Church Picnic - This event is held in August. The Davis’ have provided their lovely setting on the Pamunkey River for this annual event. A service is held at 11:00 followed by a picnic. Parishioners bring chairs and food to share. After the picnic, swimming and kayaking are enjoyed.





 Advent Wreath Day- Traditionally held the last Sunday of November and the first Sunday of Advent parishioners gather during the Sunday School hour to make an advent wreath and learn its history utilizing fresh greenery provided members of St. Peter’s.

 Veteran's Recognition - Flags are placed on the graves of  veterans in our graveyard on Memorial Day and Veterans Day.  During the Christmas Holiday season, wreaths, provided by Wreaths Across America, are placed on these graves.  A short ceremony precedes the laying of the wreaths.  This event normally occurs on the Saturday a week before Christmas.

Wreaths placed under this program may be sponsored by anyone to recognize any specific or all veterans.  The cost for each wreath is $17.  An announcement is published in the ePistle when these donations may be made. 

(See Ministry for the Military under Congregational Care for other Veteran related activities)